As Salam and Hi
There banyak cara nak adress, ikut, umor, pangkat, jawatan dan where we live and place of work
DI negara barat title /status is vital tetapi bila addressing people, first names basis is the practice or the most Dr. Jarang dengar Prof di gunakan semasa percakapan but when writing a formal letter all the titles need to be included
In Malaysia, pangkat dan status sangat penting, malah kita akan di tegur jika salah cara kita address orang. Apa pun it depends on individual
So kita kena follow the culture and where we live. I think when we are at work, address people accroding to the status and qualification no matter how close we are with the person.
I have this best friend who can even say my correct name. She called me Esah, at home, but when she is in a company of others or when people ask her about me she automatically swtich gear by introducing me as So and So. Mind you she is did not have high qualification, standard three but her thinking Ya Allah, better than those with PhD. Malah banyak orang PhD get advice from her on life.
Think about it
Dr Aishah
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