Saturday, 30 March 2013

Nurse Pandai

As Salam and Hi

Yesterday 30/3 last kelas for Doctoral nursing and today 31/3 last class for Master for this semester.

 Sebagai teacher/ lecturer kita bukan saja mengajar tetapi kita juga belajar from our student. \
Beside that kita juga learn new and latest hepenning in clincal setting.

One of my students made the following statement

"Nurse kat Malaysia jangan pandai pandai macam nurse kat luar negeri, susah nak buat decision kerena nurse sana pandai pandai, you buat apa yang kita suroh dan jaga patient saja"

This is typical of doctors in Malaysia. This is the opposite to Doctors di luar negara Dia appreciate and depend a lot on nurses because yang pandai ni lah yang banyak membantu mereka. I know because I had work oversea.

Nurse, when you are pandai not only doctors benefit  patient get the BEST Care,
Remember our role is for the patient alongside with doctors. We are not working for but with doctors and other medical term, But of course you need to prove that you are good.

Renung dan fikirkan

Dr aishah

1 comment:

  1. kalau takde nurse pandai-pandai, then the patients will not be resuscitated if pulseless electrical activity occur.
    kalau takde nurse pandai-pandai, when patient is having upper gastrointestinal bleed with melenic stool, doctors will not be informed.
    kalau takde nurse pandai-pandai, acute kidney injury could not be corrected immediately because nurses are the ones who monitor electrolyte imbalance and decreased urine output very closely. then patient will get renal failure very quickly.
