Sunday, 3 February 2013

Apa nak jadi

As Salam and Hi

Today I have a class and I was informed by all the students that today, for blood transfusion, the pack of blood need to be checked by doctor no more nurse and nurse (registered nurse that is)

How much more disgraceful are nurses have to take and what are the nurse involve in policy making are doing.

The next nurse will not be allowed to take BP.

Do I blame the making such policy, Yes and no, Yes, because they see nurses are no more professional that are capable and efficient. NO because it is nursing role and patient's need. In cases of emergency when no doctor to be found what will happen

Wake UP and start to show your skill and show it with confident

THINK about it


1 comment:

  1. haha.. sungguh ironi. disebabkan recent cases of aspiration in patients with ryles tube feeding, ada ura-ura supaya tidak dibenarkan juga nurses for insertion of ryles tube feeding. so sad.. apa nak jadi dengan nursing di malaysia..
