I can describe about this person because I live, laugh, cry,cook, eat, go places, shopping and more with her. Plus my kids were looked after by her. We get along well because there are some similarity between her (not all). She is from the same state, from poor family, loves the same food, share same sad and happy stories, and outspoken (accepted where she lives which I will tell letter). She is also patriotic in same instances
LIVE CONCEPTShe has a very noble concept in life. She use her hard life before to make other people happy. She also believe for bad things people did, there must be a reason and it should not be repaid with revenge. Continue do good deed until we knows that person is really bad through and through. If that happens, don't hate the person but stop being closed but she still welcome them and talk to them if coming in contact them.
Let begin with the little business that she is doing. When we talk business, it means selling thing with good return and I think she did that because of the rest of the things she did. Her business is very barakah. Most of the time she give away the thing that she selling. The money mostly come from people who buy for business purposes. Firstly she sell very cheap but those buying from her can muck up the prize, 2,3.4, or 5 time, and she doesn't care about it. If students come, depending on the type of students, she usually halves the price or give them for free. For any functions such as wedding, iftar, she also give her product as donation. The same if she knows the person (she knows most people in the community) ordering are poor again free. But her income never reduced.
She also taught many people how to make the product that she made. When we talk about teach, it is not pen an paper teaching or words but really teaching, coming to her house for few days to see the technique of doing, the texture of the product and the rest. Nothing is hidden. Many of her "students" are now doing their own businesses, some are commercialized by sending the product to supermarket, open a restaurant and other form business. Again her income never reduced, in fact she had to reject some of the orders.
She love to teach on the product she cooked, she also love to give what she cooks and her goods. Though, there is only three (in reality, her house always had more than three because people come and stay with her all the time, including me) people living in the house, she cooks for 10 people or more despite her daughter always tell her not to cook a lot. Because people come to her house all the times, so she makes sure there is something to eat when people come. Not only the guests eat in the house, there is some to take home. So packed goods goes along. People sometime borrows her cookery, utensils but forget to return , and she don't care most of the time. When people come and see nice things (small small things) and they like it, she gives them away. She will not ask instead she buy a new one, second hand usually, because it it easy to get second hand goods. Her answer is simple," it is not ours anymore".
Her house is a very simple house with basic needs but the house is full of love. She does not like her daughter to have TV in her room, so if people give her TVs, she gives them away. TV time is family time where everyone sits together. They compromise on TV programs. No arguement about it.
I must talk about her cooking. She loves and excellent in cooking, masyallah. You will be surprise to see the way she cooks. Throw and mix anything which is relevant to the main ingredients and the product turned out delicious. Any food, French, American, Malay, Indian, and the rest. She likes to say " we make them (the food)". She knows a lot of western foods' names, the herbs, the vegetables, and the tips of saving, cooking, preserving food to last longer, to test better. She knows what foods is best for summer, and for winter. Thus when people asked her how she makes it, it is difficult to tell the measurement so the only way is to see her cooking.
By the way this roast chicken is not as good as hers. There are so many missing ingredient
Shopping with her is also fun. Most of the time she buys second hands good (good second hand goods). But something that is needed for long time, or for health purposes, she buys brand new goods which lasted for years. She is not the type who change household furniture such as sofa regularly. It not stingy but the need is not there.
She spent her money more on foods but not to waste. left over are kept. This is okey because her daughter and her husband do not mind eating left over. This is a soft sport of her, remember how difficult lives before and how others in the third world are not getting foods to get.
CHARITYShe is also not stingy with her money. She gives a lot to charity. Anyone come knocking that her door will get something, irrespective of ethnic and religious background. That is not including the regular donation of big organizations. Money is given to people admitted to hospital example for patrol.
She is good to anyone, so when anyone is sick or dying she get to know first followed by a visit to the sick or dead people. She attended funeral in funeral homes.
WELL SPOKENShe is too outspoken. What she said is based on logic and she said what is in her mind including to her husband and her daughter. People accept it because what she say is the true things. When a person is wrong, it has to be told. She gives advices when people asked but not too pressure if people don't take her advice, because if she pushes, she will lose a friend.
She is also good with jokes. Anyone, the young, old, men, women will stop to listen to her. Her jokes mostly about her life and about things she experiences. Never about people. Talking about people is not her cup of tea though people come and tell her stories. When she hears two stories about a person, she neither confirm it not add to the story. She just listen and continue to listen.
She rezeki is masyallah. There are always things people give her when they leave. Students who lives with her will return and buy things for her, the husband and the daughter or give money. Most of those who lives with her are now someone with high position in Malaysia from, professor, Dato' Tan Sri, business man and many more. But she never take advantages these people or uses these people for herself.
PATRIOTISMHer patriotism, this is important. Though she is unhappy, not agree about the life of people and scenario in Malaysia, nevertheless she loves Malaysia through and through. She criticized people when they say bad things about Malaysia. She is angry at people who did not sing the National Anthem in a patriotic way, loud and clear when attending national day. She is not happy when the tape replaced the people's voice. She hates that. It is like singing without soul according to her.
She looks after her husband and her daughter well. Loving, caring but not spoiling. When she goes out for any function, she makes sure to be back early because the husband need rest, remember the husband gets up early. Eating is given on time, make sure it is balanced and not too much. The same with her daughter, she cooks what she likes, but at the same time she need to be independent. If the weather is good, the daughter will walk to train station (about 10 minutes), she will drives if the weather is not good. During regular months, again walk home from work but during Ramadhan, she picks her daughter. She never clean, tidy, the daughter's room, no matter how untidy (not always) it is. That is the daughter's responsibility. Her daughter does not have a car and she does not want one, because the cost to maintain the car will her daughter's.
Everyday, I mean everyday, when the husband comes home, the first thing, they asked each other is "How is your day". From them they pick up about each other feelings, moods and start the subsequent hours based on that.
I think I told enough about this person. To me, she has the heart of polished gold which is without a scratch. There is no hatred in her heart, only goods. She is not ONE in MILLION actually, She is ONE is a BILLION
I hope we learn something, I know I did. This is some of the things I remember to write. All good.
Dr Aishah
Dr Aishah
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