Tuesday, 14 June 2011


As Salam and HI

15/6/11, Wednesday.

Today I am going to write about honesty, sincerity, promise and trustworthy and integrity, which encompassed of one.  An honest individual is the person who is sincere to whatever he /she is doing which include keeping to the promise made, and trustworthy.Thus, it makes the individual a person with intergrity. 

All these words have dept and very essential and meaningful in our every day life. Yet these words becoming less meaningful to today's world. Hypocrisy, lies and untrustworthy are part of life.  This happens in people at all walks of lives, from the most powerful to those who are powerless.  I once heard a very powerful individual in local politic who admitted that he lies when he is in power. Why?  Because it is now becoming a society's norm. It is a way of survival. 

Personally, I have minimal trust towards people's words unless the words are accompany by actions and written document. I know it too well. I have experienced it many times, but it did not made me upset because I know, what was said not always true. People can be the sweetest, convincing and believable, but if nothing written and no action accompany the word, it will mean nothing. Am I upset with this type of individual? Not at all, because I know it was just words, but I feel sad for them To me people like this have no principle with no integrity both as Muslim and as human-being. 

In the old days, promises in words spoken are enough and acceptable. But today one cannot take any word from anyone when they promised something, because there is no honesty, sincerity in the words.  Everything needs black and white on papers.  People can be so sweet, so charming and so believable but behind all those there are a lot of lies, hypocrisy.  Be a marriage promise, as it happens to many girls who surrender themselves to men.  Promise of job, promise of positions or job. 

Al -sunnah and Quran says honesty is one of the greatest of all moral virtues.  Honesty is not restricted to words.  Honesty manifest in our actions as well as in our innermost state of being. Honesty is not just between being and His Creator but between human and human. Human-being who are not honest to another human-being is also not honest to Allah.  Honesty, engenders strength on every level. On the personal level, it provides integrity, self worth, and inner fortitude. On the social level, it lends depth and substance to our relationships with other people. On the spiritual level, it brings about the sincerity to our Lord.

Lets take the words of Muslim scholar, hadith and Al-Quran.  

The great scholar and ethical thinker, al-Muhâsibî, said:

“For honesty to be complete, it must exist in three things. It must exist in the heart as one’s faith, it must exist in the intentions behind one’s deeds, and it must be present in the words that one speaks.”

Honesty penetrates to the innermost fiber of a person when his inner being is in harmony with his outer self. A person’s deeds are honest only when he practices what he professes. Dishonesty in deed is more despicable than dishonesty in word, for it is naught but a hypocritical display of sincerity. This is what the brothers of Joseph (peace be upon him) did when they came with Joseph’s bloody clothing to their father.
Allah says: “So they came with his shirt stained with false blood.” [Sûrah Yûsuf: 18]
Allah warns us saying: “O you who believe, why do you say what you do not do? It is loathsome indeed with Allah that you say what you do not do.” [Sûrah al-Saff: 3]
Truth in word is the most familiar and obvious kind of truth, since every statement that is inconsistent with reality is obviously a lie.
“Verily those who fabricate a lie against Allah will not find success.”

“O you who believe, fear Allah and be among those who are honest

Allah gives glad tidings to the believers who are honest.

“Allah will reward the honest people for their honesty.”

Allah informs us that our honesty will bring us good even in this world: “And when a matter is resolved upon, it would be best for them if they were true to Allah.”

And of course, honesty will be of doubtless benefit to us in the Hereafter.
Allah says: “This is the day that the honest people will benefit from their honesty.” [Sûrah al-Mâ’idah: 119]

The Prophet (pbuh) informed us of the effects that both honesty and dishonesty have on our personalities when he said: “Honesty brings about security and lying fosters doubts.”
The Prophet (pbuh) also said: “Honesty leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise . A man remains honest and concerned about honesty until he is recorded as an honest man with Allah. Lying leads to sinfulness and sinfulness leads to the Fire. A man keeps lying and remains partial to lies until he is recorded as a liar with Allah.” [Sahîh al-Bukharî and Sahîh Muslim]

 He also explained the effects that honesty and dishonesty have on our interpersonal dealings: “Honesty and clarity are blessed for both parties to a sale, while concealment and deceit destroy the blessings of their sale.” [Sahîh al-Bukharî and Sahîh
We must be honest in our relationship with Allah. There are many dimensions to this most important expression of honesty. There is our sincerity to Allah. Then there is being cognizant that Allah is ever watchful of what we do. There is the sense of humility and shame that we must feel before Him. If we truly want to be honest in our relationship with Allah, we must become so fully sincere to Him that there remains in our hearts no other motive for what we do but to seek His pleasure. We must care nothing for the thanks and appreciation of our fellow men. We can achieve this by making our greatest concern the attainment of Allah’s mercy. We must be constantly aware that Allah is ever watchful over us. This will make us feel too shy to ever willingly disobey Allah.

Honesty with other people is also extremely important. There are many aspects to this as well. First, we must be honest in our dispensation towards others. We should not behave deceptively and present a false face to people. Instead, we must be genuine and straightforward with people as much as possible.

We must be honest in what we say. This requires from us to be careful to ascertain the truth of the news that we hear before we go ahead and pass it on to others. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “It is enough to make a person a liar that he tells others everything that he hears.”

We must be honest in giving advice to people. We should be sincere in our advice and truly do our best to help people avoid misfortune and attain what is good for them.

We need to be even more honest with our spouses. We must be able to confide in them and speak freely to them about our concerns, our secrets, and our ambitions. A husband or wife is a life partner, a friend, a confidant. The more openly a husband and wife are able to communicate with each other in an atmosphere of trust and confidence, the stronger their relationship will be. 
Ref; IslamToday.net

Think about it

Dr Aishah Ali

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