Thursday, 23 June 2011

Life in Singapore


I visited Singapore for an official work. I stayed with my family (auntie and cousin). I told myself, I will not live in Singapore because I feel life there is very restrictive and regimented. I feel Singaporeans lives in a box. But as I visit again and again, the life there despite being in the box, inside the box, there are many good things. Life is easy, safe and protected.

First look at the cost of living.  We cannot compare what we earn in Malaysia and buy things in Singapore. Don't compare apple and orange.  For those living in Singapore, the cost of living is pretty reasonable.  I went to a market to see what can we buy with Singapore 10 dollar.

Let look at the prices of basic needs- Condense milk (small tin)= 70 cents, fish kembong -$3.50 a kilo, sugar and flour $1.50 ~ a pack (Malaysia produce its own sugar), Cucumber (small) 5 for $1, prawn $6.00, egg in 30 $4. 30 cents and many more. I bought mangoesteen (I think it is from Malaysia), one kilo for $ 2.90.  Meat (mutton and beef or bone) $ 10 -12 ( I don't think Singapore those product).  In another word, if you bring $10 ringgit to market you can get a good decent meal for a day or twoPacked food, I love nasi rawan and nasi ambeng.  So I bought both at two different times. It cost about $4.50 to $5.00, which include a big piece of chicken, lung, vegetable, squid, bergedil (huge).  The portion is big. It can be eaten by three people (women) easily.

Secondly about the law. It is implemented and implemented well

For father who did not pay child support, when complaint is made, summon is sent and if the party did not respond, he will go to jail.  I know this because it happened to my own family (this is not new). For my recent visit, another law regarding this will soon be passed.  All fathers who did not pay child support will be black listed. This involved not only Muslims but all.  For the non-Muslim, they do not refer to any book, but it is the social responsibility so if they fail to do so, they too will face the consequences. Muslims also have the book to refer (Al Quran and Hadith) yet, many did not do so, what more their social responsibilities- were poor but because the law is well implemented, it makes life much easier and less burdensome. This is mention in Quran

“Upon the father are the mothers’ provision and their clothing according to what is acceptable” (al-Baqarah: 233)
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said meaning:
“The man is a guardian of his family, the woman is a guardian and is responsible for her husband’s house and his offspring; and so all of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects” (Al-Bukhari).


Dr Aishah Ali

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Good phrases


"Do not do works that others must do, but do what we can do"

"Change only those people who want to change and showing potential to change, and ignore those who cannot be changed."

Dr Aishah

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


As Salam and HI

15/6/11, Wednesday.

Today I am going to write about honesty, sincerity, promise and trustworthy and integrity, which encompassed of one.  An honest individual is the person who is sincere to whatever he /she is doing which include keeping to the promise made, and trustworthy.Thus, it makes the individual a person with intergrity. 

All these words have dept and very essential and meaningful in our every day life. Yet these words becoming less meaningful to today's world. Hypocrisy, lies and untrustworthy are part of life.  This happens in people at all walks of lives, from the most powerful to those who are powerless.  I once heard a very powerful individual in local politic who admitted that he lies when he is in power. Why?  Because it is now becoming a society's norm. It is a way of survival. 

Personally, I have minimal trust towards people's words unless the words are accompany by actions and written document. I know it too well. I have experienced it many times, but it did not made me upset because I know, what was said not always true. People can be the sweetest, convincing and believable, but if nothing written and no action accompany the word, it will mean nothing. Am I upset with this type of individual? Not at all, because I know it was just words, but I feel sad for them To me people like this have no principle with no integrity both as Muslim and as human-being. 

In the old days, promises in words spoken are enough and acceptable. But today one cannot take any word from anyone when they promised something, because there is no honesty, sincerity in the words.  Everything needs black and white on papers.  People can be so sweet, so charming and so believable but behind all those there are a lot of lies, hypocrisy.  Be a marriage promise, as it happens to many girls who surrender themselves to men.  Promise of job, promise of positions or job. 

Al -sunnah and Quran says honesty is one of the greatest of all moral virtues.  Honesty is not restricted to words.  Honesty manifest in our actions as well as in our innermost state of being. Honesty is not just between being and His Creator but between human and human. Human-being who are not honest to another human-being is also not honest to Allah.  Honesty, engenders strength on every level. On the personal level, it provides integrity, self worth, and inner fortitude. On the social level, it lends depth and substance to our relationships with other people. On the spiritual level, it brings about the sincerity to our Lord.

Lets take the words of Muslim scholar, hadith and Al-Quran.  

The great scholar and ethical thinker, al-Muhâsibî, said:

“For honesty to be complete, it must exist in three things. It must exist in the heart as one’s faith, it must exist in the intentions behind one’s deeds, and it must be present in the words that one speaks.”

Honesty penetrates to the innermost fiber of a person when his inner being is in harmony with his outer self. A person’s deeds are honest only when he practices what he professes. Dishonesty in deed is more despicable than dishonesty in word, for it is naught but a hypocritical display of sincerity. This is what the brothers of Joseph (peace be upon him) did when they came with Joseph’s bloody clothing to their father.
Allah says: “So they came with his shirt stained with false blood.” [Sûrah Yûsuf: 18]
Allah warns us saying: “O you who believe, why do you say what you do not do? It is loathsome indeed with Allah that you say what you do not do.” [Sûrah al-Saff: 3]
Truth in word is the most familiar and obvious kind of truth, since every statement that is inconsistent with reality is obviously a lie.
“Verily those who fabricate a lie against Allah will not find success.”

“O you who believe, fear Allah and be among those who are honest

Allah gives glad tidings to the believers who are honest.

“Allah will reward the honest people for their honesty.”

Allah informs us that our honesty will bring us good even in this world: “And when a matter is resolved upon, it would be best for them if they were true to Allah.”

And of course, honesty will be of doubtless benefit to us in the Hereafter.
Allah says: “This is the day that the honest people will benefit from their honesty.” [Sûrah al-Mâ’idah: 119]

The Prophet (pbuh) informed us of the effects that both honesty and dishonesty have on our personalities when he said: “Honesty brings about security and lying fosters doubts.”
The Prophet (pbuh) also said: “Honesty leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise . A man remains honest and concerned about honesty until he is recorded as an honest man with Allah. Lying leads to sinfulness and sinfulness leads to the Fire. A man keeps lying and remains partial to lies until he is recorded as a liar with Allah.” [Sahîh al-Bukharî and Sahîh Muslim]

 He also explained the effects that honesty and dishonesty have on our interpersonal dealings: “Honesty and clarity are blessed for both parties to a sale, while concealment and deceit destroy the blessings of their sale.” [Sahîh al-Bukharî and Sahîh
We must be honest in our relationship with Allah. There are many dimensions to this most important expression of honesty. There is our sincerity to Allah. Then there is being cognizant that Allah is ever watchful of what we do. There is the sense of humility and shame that we must feel before Him. If we truly want to be honest in our relationship with Allah, we must become so fully sincere to Him that there remains in our hearts no other motive for what we do but to seek His pleasure. We must care nothing for the thanks and appreciation of our fellow men. We can achieve this by making our greatest concern the attainment of Allah’s mercy. We must be constantly aware that Allah is ever watchful over us. This will make us feel too shy to ever willingly disobey Allah.

Honesty with other people is also extremely important. There are many aspects to this as well. First, we must be honest in our dispensation towards others. We should not behave deceptively and present a false face to people. Instead, we must be genuine and straightforward with people as much as possible.

We must be honest in what we say. This requires from us to be careful to ascertain the truth of the news that we hear before we go ahead and pass it on to others. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “It is enough to make a person a liar that he tells others everything that he hears.”

We must be honest in giving advice to people. We should be sincere in our advice and truly do our best to help people avoid misfortune and attain what is good for them.

We need to be even more honest with our spouses. We must be able to confide in them and speak freely to them about our concerns, our secrets, and our ambitions. A husband or wife is a life partner, a friend, a confidant. The more openly a husband and wife are able to communicate with each other in an atmosphere of trust and confidence, the stronger their relationship will be. 

Think about it

Dr Aishah Ali

Monday, 13 June 2011

Women and cloth tight

What is the ruling regarding a woman wearing tight fitted clothing in-front of (other) women and those men who are her mahram?

It is not befitting for the woman to wear tight fitting clothes which make apparent the size of the parts (of her body) in front of her relatives or amongst (other) women, (since) this is contrary to maintaining her chasteness. As for (doing so only) in front of her husband, then there is no harm in that.

So it is obligatory that the dress of the Muslim woman be loose fitting and not tight, so as not to accentuate any part of her body. This is because the aim of the garment is to cover (the body) and (thereby) prevent fitnah; And this is (certainly) not achieved except by (wearing) loose fitting and flowing (clothes).
As for tight fitting (clothes) - even if it hid the colour of the skin, it still accentuates the size of her body or part of it, thereby creating a desirable sight in the eyes of the men; And therein is corruption and an invitation (to evil) which is apparent. So it is obligatory that it be loose fitting.

And it has been narrated by Usaamah ibn Zayd (radhi-yAllaahu 'anhumaa) who said:
The Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) clothed me with a thick white linen garment which had been gifted to him by Dahiyyah al-Kalbee, so I clothed my wife with it, and he said:
What is the matter with you, you do not wear the thick white linen garment?
So I said: I have clothed my wife with it, so he said: "Be sure that she wears a ghilaalah underneath it, for indeed I fear it (the thick white linen garment) accentuating her body and bones", transmitted by ad-Dhiyaa al-Maqdasee in "al-Ahaadeeth al-Mukhtaarah", and Ahmad, and al-Bayhaqee in "as-Sunan al-Kubraa", and al-Albaanee declared it hasan in "Jilbaab al-Mar.ah al-Muslimah".

Shaykh Muhammed ibn 'Abdillaah as-Subayyal - Imaam and Khateeb, al-Masjid al-Haraam
Fataawa wa Mukhtaarah - Pages 562-563

Video_ home wedding in Perlis

Learning something today


A short note. Today I learnt something new about the blog. The posted blogs can be edited. I am so happy. I can make corrections to the mistakes I made. And all I learnt it by myself. It is true that sometime you need to depend on someone but a lot of times you have to be independent because helps are not always available. As for me, my daughter's absence, do crippled me a bit but it also help me to find ways to do things on my own.

I know I need to make my blog interesting, such as adding photo so I am trying, and I hope got it right. I will post a video of the Home wedding in Perlis as requested.  If it does not appear I will try again. So this is the second lesson I learnt today

As salam

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Services and mannerism

As salam and Hi

I had a chat with a western white individual recently, a friend who has an adopted black son who is in Malaysia studying. The two of them went to a bank (Local bank) to do money transaction. He said his son was looked at as though he was a criminal and the staff of bank were talking about him in national language (Bahasa malaysia) which I think they understood. The couple were very unhappy towards the people in the bank. The comment made by the white individual father among other things were

"They rather leave the job given to them to talk about my son."
"My son is an educated man who has traveled a lot, these people (the bank staff) may have not even been to Singapore."

Though in principle, we Asian (including Malaysians) are supposedly polite and well mannered but in reality we are not. Experiences living in Malaysia most of lives, America and New Zealand, I can see the difference. Don't get defensive or offended.
Of course there are always nice people around but these people are reducing in numbers rapidly.

I am going to categorize and list the services provided by Malaysian. For example when traveling (I did a lot and lots of traveling), I usually use national airline. I am talking about traveling in economy class and services provided by the flight attendants (female in particular). The categories of individual receiving services from the best (1) to the worst (4) are:
1. white men
2. White women
3. good looking well dressed men
4. Women of color or sloppy dressed person

The way the whites were treated makes me wonder, whether these people paying more than the Malaysians, which in actual fact, they are not or they may be pay less than us. The same happened on land (hotel, restaurant...)

Malaysians work in National carrier need to treat the Malaysian first, but best treat everyone the same. Services is services no matter who they are.

When we are in the Western world, we were not treated badly (but rarely we are) because of the color of our skin but in general the services they provided are equal because they "sell' services. Despite not favoring people of color, they will not compromise on the services, because the services are money. Poor service less money coming in.

The phrases "how are you today." "sorry for keeping you waiting", "How can I help you", "are you okey" ,are very common. They were said with a smile.

I once went to a pharmacy in NZ, looking for a vitamin. I picked up one bottle and looking at the ingredient and there is something which I am not clear (gelatin, whether it was vegetable or animal, it was not stated). The sale person was also unsure, so she said to me "let me call and find out for you". She did not want to say some something which is is unsure.

Hopefully we get better. That is the idea of my blog. What is good must be told and the same if otherwise. We cannot hide the bad things or attitude because without knowing it we will never improve and get better.


Dr Aishah

Home Wedding in Perlis

As Salam and Hi

I was in Perlis last week (6-10/6) attended a wedding of my grandnephew (from my husband side). The wedding was held on Thursday. Why Thursday? Many people asked. The host is very genuine and humble. They want to make sure people come for the wedding and enjoy the foods and the atmosphere. If they were to choose Saturday or Sunday, people may come but, not many will eat the delicious foods that they cooked. Because on Saturday and Sunday, there are so many wedding, as it is school holiday. People will only eat in the first few houses so the subsequently houses they visited they will not be able to eat. And the food will be wasted. Because of the day that they chose, the food finished very quickly, so much so the cook have to cook for the second round. The foods were delicious and simple (Curry, plain rice, Sambal belacan, salted fish, ulam (Malay Salad). For the dessert it was mixed porridge (green bean, sago and corn with coconut). All the works are done by family members and neighbors

Having a wedding at home has more advantages than disadvantages. Firstly, it is cost effective, in term of the money spent. Secondly the food can be monitored and people can eat as much as they can if they want plus, there are some to take home. People don't just come, sit, eat and leave but they take time to meet the host and the people. Beside that, they too got to meet family members that they have not met for years as it happened to me. The Silaturrahim is tightening.

I was very happy and delighted that I attended. Previously I could not do so because of work. I have the opportunity to meet the families that I have not met for 10-20 years. Children has grown, the young has aged. I don't remember the family members and they don't remember me.

The wedding did not end at 5 pm. The festivity continued at night with samrah (the arabic dance). I forgot to mention, this is the wedding of the Arab clan. Samrh was danced by men and women (separately), but for this wedding only men were dancing including my two sons. The women are spectators. So we not only enjoy the foods and the company we also got entertained (free).

So think about home wedding

Dr Aishah

Saturday, 11 June 2011


As Salam and Hi

If you see my earlier posts, there are many spelling mistakes, sometime the hands work faster than the mind and the mind (Malay mind) seem to control the fingers. Stamp for example is spelt stem (because of the sound, so the finger is listening the sound).

In the beginning I was so also so anxious having a blog and wanted to express what is in my mind. subsequently the post becoming much nicer and grammatically improved, not 100% but they have improved. Mistakes will happen and continue to happen. Even a well written book, one can see mistakes. But that is okey. Without knowing one's mistake, one can become better. The only perfectiveness and mistakes free is Allah the Al-Mighty

So for that, I am apologize. Nevertheless I do hope you learn something from my blog. I do not have many followers as yet, so for those who read my blog, do pass on to others. We can learn from each other though comments sent and improve ourselves


Sunday, 5 June 2011


Hi again

Before I proceed, I want to apologize for two things.  But before that let talk about apologize

Apologize to some culture show sign of weakness but to me it is a noble thing to do especially when we know we are wrong.  Of course, there are times one should not apologize when one know that she / he is "right" ethically, morally, religiously. I apologize a lot as along as it does not involved the three (ethic, moral, religious). Right is in "..." because sometime we know we are right but the situation or the person is intense and arrogant to admit. The apology will make the situation/environment calm at that time.  Let the person "win" first to calm the situation (words If you THINK I am wrong, {but you know you are not}, I am sorry. Technically you are not wrong but the person think you are wrong. Sooner or later, the truth will prevail. But don't apologize if you are performing or wanted to perform any religious obligation. Example, you said "sorry I want to do my solat, sorry I am fasting today. The words to use is "Excuse" me.

Of course it is difficult for most arrogant, high status people to admit their mistakes as I mentioned previously in my blog. There are people not only arrogant and know they are wrong, but because there are so much hatred and anger in them, making them cannot accept apology and never apologize.  This kind a person is sick in mind, soul and heart. They will do anything to ensure that people believe they they are right, which include fitnah (I will talk about it next time). Strangely, these people usually have a lot of followers.  And these group of people are hard to change.

Remember, what is wrong cannot be right and what is right cannot be wrong or halal is always halal and haram will always haram. This is another topic that can be discussed later.

Hopefully we are not in the hard core group.  For those who have the heart and soul to see things in a bigger picture and believe and right and wrong, apologize. In another words, everyone of all ages can, should say apologize irrespective of age, gender and social status.  A mother / father can apologize to their children, a girl can apologize to a boy, a head of a company can apologize to his mail man or cleaner if it proved they are in the wrong and vice versa.

"Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant. " (7:199)

"Nor walk on the earth with insolence: for thou can not rend the earth asunder, nor reach the mountains in height."(17:37)

"And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for God loveth not any arrogant boaster."  (31:18) 

So what am I apologizing here. First, about the use of using National language, for my blog. The blog is in English hopefully it can be an avenue to inform other English speaking people about Islam, which I am including in my blog. Secondly I need to apologize for not properly editing my blog for grammar. English is not my native language and I never go to formal English school. I started learning English when I entered Nursing which was very difficult but determination and hard work help me through the course successfully in ENGLISH.  I am still learning and always refer to dictionary.

As Salam

Saturday, 4 June 2011

A trip to Jakarta

As Salam and Dear All

A group of us, alumni of Nursing school university Malaya families. A total of 24 people went and 23 return because one has to return home early because of urgent matter.  For me this is not my first visit. We Stayed at Hotel Santika. Nice  four star hotel. The Tourist guide, Jais, was not only entertaining but also know a lot about Indonesian history

One thing is obvious is Jakarta now has transformed. The crowd, the traffic jam (machet, in Indonesia language) is still there but there are more sky skyscraper buildings in between the poor housing areas.  Malls, apartments are part of Jakarta.

One thing that has not changed is the identity and the manners of the Indonesians.  They are very proud of the language, their culture and who they are.  Whoever lives there irrespective of their different ethnic background- they speak one language-INDONESIA. This include foreigners, I feel insulted sometime seeing how Indonesia, a country which is less developed in Malaysia can maintain and continue to speak one language.  I can hear the whites who live there is very well verse with the language.  The principle is use it or leave.  So the foreigner chose to use it. Names are also Indonesian, yes it is hard to differentiate between each ethnic but that what they are- Indonesia.

The manners of Indonesian is far better than Malaysian.  They are very polite to all, their own people or the visitors-from the hotel to airport and the people in general. While Malaysia, have national language, but it is not widely spoken. Malaysians are proud to speak English, a language of a country that colonized it. Use English for own advantage but speak Malay to show who we are and where are we from.  There is no one to promote Malay language, except us.  Some Malaysia who are born and live here all their lives still cannot speak the national language. Where did we went wrong.  Don't be embarrassed to show our identity what we have.

It is Okey to know and use English but at the world level use Malay, like Indonesia, Japanese, French, Arabs.  Not speaking English does not mean we are not developed. Japan are so developed, French are developed, and so is Indonesia, which is developing.

Of course Religion cannot be one. Islam is still Islam, they cannot be one, so Muslims have to keep the identity and the faith as Muslim at the same time keep their own culture within the scope and principle of Islamic teaching. That the one thing, that should not be compromise.  

Indonesia- Modern and yet very traditional