Thursday, 21 April 2011

Continue from yesterday (What I am writing may not applied to everyone so, if you are among the good nurses, pad your shoulder and job well done)

The third group of people who enter nursing are those whose heart and mind are in nursing. They know why they enter what they are getting into.  This group usually excel throughout their study period and perform better in every aspect of nursing from theory to clinical skill

Today topic is about others' view (medical paternity and public) on nursing and nurses in Malaysia
The views change from one decade to another.  In my early days of nursing, doctors regard nurse as their subordinate rather than co-worker or team member, this remain until today.  Yet despite their perception they do have respect for nurse, particularly senior nurse which we called Matron and Sister.  Sister and Matron are like Big Boss in the ward. Patient fear, nurses respect, doctors listen because they know their works. The respect comes because sister and matron are very senior group of people with experiences.  Their roles are to make sure patient happy and well. Yet inside the heart doctors still look at nurses' role as subordinate especially the registered nurses.  Nurses are expect to do rather than say (seen not heard).

Public on the other hands still look at nurses as someone who are of low class workers and the job that only the low academic will enter. These remain today. What changes today, the respect for Matron and Sister has gone down. Why? because many of these positions are held by a younger generation especially sisters.  They are less vocal and not able to verbalized the need of the patients and nursing's needs.

Who to be blamed? We are,the nurses themselves.  Nurses seem to enjoy pleasing or making doctors happy rather than making the patient happy happy. They run when the doctors asked them to do anything and fear if their disobeyed doctors in providing care including nursing care, even they know they are doing the right things. Their attitudes make the doctors and public see nurses as servant of the doctors. But they take their time when with each other.

tomorrow: Nursing training has becoming a commodity and business venture rather profession (next entry).  

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