Monday, 31 December 2012

Wedding in China

As Salam and Hi

Siapa sangka dapat menghadiri wedding kat China dari rumah perempuan hingga rumah lelaki,

China pendudok over I billions,  with several provinces had one child policy. Now one of the economy super power. Development catch with them.

The two pengantin was such a nice boy and girl.  Neither of them can be a tourist guide though they are local. Neither of them i the kaki lepak. We have to find interesting places to visit on our own but we are happy with it. It show despite being very developed economically, socially thy are still very modest. Not just these two young couple, the who family are the same.  We we treated like king.  They paid for everything from hotel to taxi, train, food that we ate with them.

I can see a real honest and genuine from their part.  The young couple were with use until 6 pm prior to their wedding night and with us again the day after the wedding.

One reason for this good behavior is parents has total "control" on the children, How, Yes this is the interesting part. NO Youtube, NO Facebook and NO Google. I think it is nice

Dr Aishah

Saturday, 29 December 2012


Salam and Hi

Saya berkerja di tiga tempat di Malaysia dan 3 tempat di luar negara. Ini cerita di dalam Malaysia

Saya ada seorang Boss yang amat baik literally. Dia ini sangat obsess dengan another staff, tak tahu kenapa lah.

Bila ada sesi bergambar semua staff yang ada akan bergaya lah as usual to look nice. Of course mereka yang out station tak dapat lah bergambar sama.

Tapi masyallah this boss, pastikan orang kesayangan akan ada dalam gambar walaupun pada ketika itu ia tidak di pejabat.

You know how, the boss will asked an empty chair be place in front of course close to where the boss is sitting and then to cut and paste or superimpose the favorite person into that empty chair.

However the boss did not do the same for other, What you think?

Dr Aishah

Empty Parking Lot

As salam and Hi

Recently I visited my friends. We have breakfast. This is a regular meeting we had every couple of months.  Previously we have more people but one left,  now left with 4 of us.

It is nice to meet and catch up on our lives.

After breakfast we walked back to my friend's office. It was almost 9 am. I was shocked to see the empty parking spaces of all the heads of a particular faculty. It is a working day. I thought the staff in the faculty were away but they are not actually.

These are leaders who students look as role role model. What has happened?

All I can say is Masyallah.

Dr Aishah


As Salam and Hi

Membaca PhD tesis boleh mengasyikan atau meletihkan. Mengasyikan jika ia nya di tulis dengan  baik dari kandungan, format, jalan cerita dan ilmu baru yang di bentangkan atau di temuai. Tesis yang ini amat meletihkan dan menyedihkan.  Ya Allah, penat, letih, sedih kerana ianya tidak melambangkan penulisan pada peringkat PhD, dari mula hingga akhir, dari penulisan, format dan content. The mistakes was all through a the chapters, page to page and almost line by line.

Saya menulis bagi pihak jururawat untuk jururawat demi nama baik jururawat

This is a statement people make. Tak apa lah untuk nurse, ini kali pertama, she/he  made a effort, PhD is in not trial and error, PhD is not done 2-3 times it once.

Kalau kita terima these statement maka kita JURURAWAT tidak akan maju dan memberi quality dalam apa juga yang dibuat and THAT WHAT THE PUBLIC WANT,  a SECOND CLASS Nurse

Dr Aishah Ali

Angels, Human and animal

As Salam and Hi

Allah (SWT) created Angels with intellect but without anger or desire. 
And created animals with anger and desire but without intellect. 
And created man with intellect (reason), anger and desire.
 If man's reason over powers his anger and desires, he rises to the status of that higher than angels. But if his anger and desires overpower his intellect and reason he becomes lower in status than that of an animal.
