Siapa sangka dapat menghadiri wedding kat China dari rumah perempuan hingga rumah lelaki,
China pendudok over I billions, with several provinces had one child policy. Now one of the economy super power. Development catch with them.
The two pengantin was such a nice boy and girl. Neither of them can be a tourist guide though they are local. Neither of them i the kaki lepak. We have to find interesting places to visit on our own but we are happy with it. It show despite being very developed economically, socially thy are still very modest. Not just these two young couple, the who family are the same. We we treated like king. They paid for everything from hotel to taxi, train, food that we ate with them.
I can see a real honest and genuine from their part. The young couple were with use until 6 pm prior to their wedding night and with us again the day after the wedding.
One reason for this good behavior is parents has total "control" on the children, How, Yes this is the interesting part. NO Youtube, NO Facebook and NO Google. I think it is nice
Saya berkerja di tiga tempat di Malaysia dan 3 tempat di luar negara. Ini cerita di dalam Malaysia
Saya ada seorang Boss yang amat baik literally. Dia ini sangat obsess dengan another staff, tak tahu kenapa lah.
Bila ada sesi bergambar semua staff yang ada akan bergaya lah as usual to look nice. Of course mereka yang out station tak dapat lah bergambar sama.
Tapi masyallah this boss, pastikan orang kesayangan akan ada dalam gambar walaupun pada ketika itu ia tidak di pejabat.
You know how, the boss will asked an empty chair be place in front of course close to where the boss is sitting and then to cut and paste or superimpose the favorite person into that empty chair.
However the boss did not do the same for other, What you think?
Recently I visited my friends. We have breakfast. This is a regular meeting we had every couple of months. Previously we have more people but one left, now left with 4 of us.
It is nice to meet and catch up on our lives.
After breakfast we walked back to my friend's office. It was almost 9 am. I was shocked to see the empty parking spaces of all the heads of a particular faculty. It is a working day. I thought the staff in the faculty were away but they are not actually.
These are leaders who students look as role role model. What has happened?
Membaca PhD tesis boleh mengasyikan atau meletihkan. Mengasyikan jika ia nya di tulis dengan baik dari kandungan, format, jalan cerita dan ilmu baru yang di bentangkan atau di temuai. Tesis yang ini amat meletihkan dan menyedihkan. Ya Allah, penat, letih, sedih kerana ianya tidak melambangkan penulisan pada peringkat PhD, dari mula hingga akhir, dari penulisan, format dan content. The mistakes was all through a the chapters, page to page and almost line by line.
Saya menulis bagi pihak jururawat untuk jururawat demi nama baik jururawat
This is a statement people make. Tak apa lah untuk nurse, ini kali pertama, she/he made a effort, PhD is in not trial and error, PhD is not done 2-3 times it once.
Kalau kita terima these statement maka kita JURURAWAT tidak akan maju dan memberi quality dalam apa juga yang dibuat and THAT WHAT THE PUBLIC WANT, a SECOND CLASS Nurse
Allah (SWT) created Angels with
intellect but without anger or desire.
And created animals with anger and
desire but without intellect.
And created man with intellect (reason), anger
and desire.
If man's reason over powers his anger and desires, he rises to the
status of that higher than angels. But if his anger and desires overpower his
intellect and reason he becomes lower in status than that of an animal.
Sedih, hampa, kecewa dengan situasi yang melanda jururawat hari ini
value dan harga diri jururawat hari ini telah merudum dengan teruk sekali.
Lima tahun lalu, sebelum graduate ramai yang di tawarkan kerja,
Ini adalah anecdotal saja.
Hari ini dah graduate bukan saja susah nak dapat kerja malah bagi mereka yang di tawarkan kerja ada yang dibayar lebih rendah dari pembantu rumah, malah ada juga ibu bapa yang membayar hospital untuk megambil anak mereka kerja kerana yang keep APC
SIAPA pERLU disalahkan JURURAWAT sendiri.
Untuk diperingkat yang lebih tinggi
Master- Terlalu ambil mudah dan tidak berusaha bersungguh, qualiti sad sangat. Macam mana nak compete with other profession if we tidak letak sepenuh usaha dan tenaga. Master is the next higher degree before PhD.
Committment, discipline, hard work not seen yet in most of the students.
PhD bila Master tak bagus, nak buat PhD the output pun sama. Malu tengok tapi yang sad nya ada yang sanggup compromise dignity, professionalism, dan self integrity to allow a nurse to GET pHD despite not producing a minimal standard of thesis. Jangan lah kita gadai integrity for friendship or status. Be professional.
Jururawat yang membunoh jururawat sendiri.
Kalau Dulu, Matron Sister are well respected by doctors because they are knowledgeable, discipline, skillful, committed, dan berani bersuara demi pesakit dan kakitangan bawahan tetapi itu semua tiada lagi.
During the FIMA 2012 meeting, there were a lot of good experienced, noted, observed from papers presented, the people met and overall event. 1. For a speaker/ presenter one person impressed me the most was a Year Four Medical Students (UIAM). She was excellent. Another issue with regards to speaker, it has become too monotonous to have a speaker talk about the problem in Palestine war. Yes talk about the health issue but minimized on the war because most people are aware of the war and how it has affected the lives of the people. Use other avenue to educate or inform people of the war.
2. The level of commitment especially the volunteers 3. The overall social interactions among the participants. Of course this still can further be improved especially among Muslim practitioners. I see a lot of segregation (unintentional or intentionally I am not sure) but It is worst mention. This is what I would like to highlight and my words are based on one of the speaker whose paper was on maternal mortality. He said "in a quiet moment, one person voice will and can change things. I am the one voice. The main segregation is the not putting the nurses and allied health (includes dentist, dietitian optometrist ect) in one podium. The main podium are all for doctors (MBBS). Hina sangat ke nurses / allied health personal among Muslim Doctors. Kita talk a lot about being a good Muslim, show it and just say it.
This next point again is to the Muslim practitioners in general. This speaker was so concern about nurses (nurse practitioner) today taking over the role of doctors'. I think this is something doctors need to be more open. We live in the 21st century. Just like doctors nurses too need to move forward. It is happening and Malaysian nurses cannot be isolated especially the world of IT
NURSES Do NOT WANT TO BE DOCTORS, they can if they enter medical school for another three- four year, not in Malaysia). What our concern is to improve patient care and well being. Doctors need to change their mind set. Work with nurses as a one team. As one 'Doctor' in a drama "ARMY WIVES who say "There are a lot you can learn from good nurse."
Nurse Practitioner is now a new expended role of a nurse. The number of NP USA from Alabama to Wyoming in 2011 was 180,233. In Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and other European countries NP is also been promoted. Yes there are many who are against it especially doctors, but after having work with these NPs, and seeing the profit which is a big thing among doctor, and see how these nurses improved patient care, many are now for it. An Example, a cardiac hospital in California where friend of mine used to work, saw the number of patient increases along with the income. As a result. More Nurse practitioner was hired. What was the role of a nurses practitioner. I am sure this can be obtained from google. One simple task which a nurse can do is a ward round and reviewing the patient, reading and interpret ECG. Of course the critical cases are still being review by doctors. The time these doctors spend doing ward round is used for one small cardiac surgery/ procedure. In O&G, all pap smear can be done by nurse and they too can interpret the result.
One might say, how these nurses going do all these tasks. Yes they can when they have Master and PhD in specific area such as Cardiac Nurse Practitioner. University Malaya is now offering Master in Clinical Nursing.
Don'tt worry Doctors, NPs are not coming to Malaysia anytime soon. There are a lot to do before we get to there Lastly, a few statements I get from my friend, a doctor (Malaysian) who work in New Zealand and another Malaysian nurse who study together in a class with doctors The doctor said. Doctors kat sini jadi hamba (this is his really word) The nurse said. When they first joined the class, doctors sat together with doctors, while nurse, biologist, dietician sat together. After one semester when the NON doctors did better while some doctors failed, they start to come close. Not until the end that the doctors group start accepting the non doctors group. My own experience, this happened during FIMA dinner. I was sitting with four doctors, 3 (one female, who I talked with) local and one international. I did not say Hi to the foreigner because I do not know him but I did post a question to one of the local male doctor, he did not response and turned his face. May be he did not hear me, that was my assumption. The other male doctor noticed what happened so he asked the same question that I asked and got the response. Fikirkan lah. What it indicates is that everyone has weakness and strength, good and bad. Not all doctors are smart and brilliant and not all nurses are stupid. Time, opportunity, circumstances, financial may play a part. Masyallah. Kalau kita di Malaysia boleh buat ini. We are really an absolute Negara Islam contoh
Bila di sebut pemimpin, kita ada ramai contoh. Sama ada contoh yang baik atau yang kurang baik kepimpinan nya.
Pemimpin yang baik tidak semesti nya di sukai ramai. Sebagai seorang Islam, pemimpin kita adalah nabi Mohammad (SAW). Baginda seorang yang sempurna, tapi adakah dia di sukai semua terutama musuh, tentu sekali tidak. Tetapi baginda tetap seorang pemimpin yang sempurna.
Dalam kehidupan seharian, pekara yang sama dapat di lihat. Yang nyata sebagai seorang pemimpin seseorang perlu tegas dan boleh melentur bila perlu, pendengar yang baik, tidak menjadi lalang dan yang penting mesti adil dan jangan berat sebelah. Sebarang aduan perlu dengar dari banyak pihak bukan saja dua pihak. Pemimpin tidak boleh mengambil tindakan tanpa mendengar dan meyiasat.
Jangan sampai ada orang teraniya dengan tindakan yang di ambil. Baca doa, solat dan dapat seterusnya dapatkan pandangan orang ketiga yang tidak terlibat dengan permasalahan yang perlu diselesaikan sebelum mengambil tindakan
Jangan tutup periuk nasi sesama umat kerana fitnah dan untuk memuaskan setengah pihak.
There are several pathways to take to becoming a nursing educator; Of
course you must start your journey from the bottom.
This means you must
first become an RN and hold a bachelor’s degree. You can continue your
education to obtain your master’s degree or even a doctorate in nursing
if you want to manage or run a nursing program. RN programs are offered
online, in person, or a hybrid of both. Each of these programs will
require clinical hours; you will be required to care for patients under
the supervision of an RNBSN (Registered Nurse with a Bachelor’s of
Science in Nursing).
Dah Lama tak menulis. Dan I have not say much about nursing passion profession. Before the month of June berahkhir saya sertakan dua blog mengenai nursing, focus on nursing education. Ini kerana isu nurse hari ini tak berkualiti menjadi bahan bualan terutama among nurse educator. Kenyataan yang benar, siapakan nurse educator di Malaysia, adakah mereka mampu membimbing generasi baru bukan saja menjadi seorang nurse tapi menjadi nurse yang kualiti untuk memberi khidmat kepada rakyat Malaysia.
Untuk menjadi Nurse educator- contoh dari barat, maaf kerana setiap Bench mark kita kena pilih yang lebih baik supaya kita berusaha menjadi baik seperti mereka atau pun lebih dari mereka. Soalan nya Boleh kah Kita
Requirements to Become a Nursing Instructor
Nursing instructors are required to have the same education
of a nurse. Most jobs will require educators to have a master's degree,
though some prefer a doctorate for full-time faculty. There are
master's programs specifically geared toward nurse educators\
Instructors typically must have and maintain a current
license as a registered nurse with clinical experience in order to teach
nursing students. They must also meet continuing education
requirements similar to those of all practicing nurses
Cikgu adalah perkataan generik untuk seseorang yang mengajar. Samada pensyarah, guru, pendidik maksudnya sama-untuk mendidik seseorang pada mendapat ilmu, kemahiran yang di idamkan atau ditetapkan
Menjadi guru mesti jujor dan mesti tahu apa kah kekuatan dan kemahiran. Adaah salah jika seseorang pendidik mengajar seseorang subjek yang mereka tidak mahir. Ia adalah satu kesalahan intelektual dan penganuyaan kepada mereka yang dididk.
Dan seorang guru ada kepakaran masing dan kepakaran itu adalah kekuatan mereka dan itu juga kemahiran mereka. Kemahiran ini-lah yang akan menghasilkan pelajar-pelajar cermerlang. Akui kelemahan kerana tidak ada manusia yang pakar dalam segalanya. Mintalah bantuan dari mereka yang lebih arif jika ada demi kepentingan pelajar pelajar.
I believe the responsibility of a nurse educator is to
provide students with the content and tools to learn the vast amount of
information necessary to render care that is theory based, holistic, safe,
and cost-effective. A nurse educator is a model and mentor. The
nurse educator has the duty to foster an environment of accountability and
responsibility while allowing learners to grow into independent thinkers and
autonomous practitioners. It is also a responsibility of the nurse
educator to instill into learners the notion that nurses hold the well being
of patients/clients in their hands and must not lose sight of the duty to
act professionally and proficiently when rendering care.
Di zaman sains dan teknologi, segala nya boleh berlaku. Wang ringgit, pangkat dan kedudukan menjadi idaman. Tidak menjadi masalah jika segala nya di usahakan dengan jalan yang betul dan di redahi Allah. Tetapi manusia tetap manusia mempunyai kebaikan dan keburukan. Kalau kita tahu salah jangan di buat dan cuba elakkan termasuk jalan pintas untuk mendapat PhD
Sewaktu ketika dahulu dan waktu ini ramai individu yang berkerja keras untuk mendapat PhD. PhD boleh di tarik balik jika terdapat unsur unsur penipuan pada tesis. Untuk mendapat gelaran Dr terpaksa bersengkang mata, melupakan aktivit sosial,dan keluarga juga terabai.
Tetapi ada orang mengambil jalan pintas sanggup membeli PhD. Yang nyata untuk mendapat PhD seseorang perlu berkerja keras, berdisplin, bertanggung jawab, bersabar, dan sebagai seorang Muslim bertawakal dan berdoa. Belum ada manusia walaupun genius dibenarkan atau boleh mendapat PhD dalam masa setahun apa lagi enam bulan. Paling singkat 2 tahun. Kerana banyak persiapan perlu dibuat. Proposal mengambil masa sekurang kurang nya 6 bulan ada sampai setahun lebih.
Biar gagal mendapat PhD tetapi proses untuk mendapatkan PhD lebih berharga dari mendapat PhD tetapi melalui jalan pintas.
Seperti bergunanya teknologi untuk kehidupan seharian, teknologi juga boleh di gunakan untuk mengesan PhD palsu.
Jangan kita gadaikan nama, profesion, maruah, malah agama untuk mendapat PhD atau status.
Books I read since my retirement plus buku buku agama, perubatan
1.11th hour- faction
2. Forever always- fiction
3. without a trace- true story
4. Mahboba's Promise- true story/dokumentari
5. Granny Dan- fiction
6. Tangi- fiction/historical
7. Once I was a princes- true story
8. Stone to School-dokumentari
9. Three cups of tea- dokumentari
Another two books- cannot remember the title but once is bahasa melayu lama. lagi satu fiction
1. Wakil rakyat adalah orang yang berkhidmat untuk rakyat. Seperi juga kakitangan awam yang lain, tugas mereka adalah untuk rakyat bukan rakyat bertugas untuk mereka, oleh itu mereka sama rata dan sama rasa dengan rakyat,
Tetapi terlalu ramai yang mengaggungkan mereka maka mereka rasa mereka amat berkuasa.
Saya duduk di negara dimana wakil rakyat, naik satu bas dengan saya. Ada wakil rakyat yang naik basikal pergi kerja dan beratur menaiki kapal terbang tanpa mempunyai ruang meunggu khas.
2. Wang yang di gunakan untuk semua perbelanjaan di negara bukan duit kerajaan tapi duit rakyat
Mereka yang di lantik saya yang berhak mendapat hak hak sebagai wakil rakyat, isteri, anak, suadara mara tidak termasuk.
Dan untuk hal ini, di negara yang sama, saya tak pernah nampak isteri atau suami menteri senantiasa bersama dengan suami / isteri untuk apa apa aktiviti. Dan jika wakil rakyat/menteri berbelanja duit rakyat walau pun hanya sedikit (betul betul sedikit, bukan, ratus, ribu atau juta, pulohan pun mereka akan di soal siasat.
Tukar terminologi- dari wang kerajaan kepada wang rakyat, wakil rakyat kepada petugas rakyat.
1. Hairan bila kita ke kedai, train station, bila kita bayar, cashier akan tanya ada duit kecil tak. Ini hanya berlaku di Malaysia. Kalau semua orang minta duit kecil, mana ada duit kecil yang kita ada. Ambil saja bayaran tanpa tanya soalan "ada duit kecil tak"
2. Bila kita beli barang selalu nya tawar menawar berlaku kerana peniaga selalu letak harga yang tinggi.
Jawapan yang kerap peniaga beri adalah "barang ni datang pun dah mahal" "kita tak untung banyak"
Kalau ada tempat/ negara lain seperti mempunyai habit begini, beritahu saya.